Trường Quốc Tế ABC (Tiểu học)
Giới thiệu
Established in 1995, the ABC International School is a continually growing multi-national, non-denominational day school for both first and second language English speaking students. Providing education for 2-18 year old pupils, the school offers instruction that aligns with the National Curriculum of England. All teaching is through the medium of the English language. Careful adaptations of the curriculum model ensures appropriate recognition of the schools Vietnamese operational context but at the same time, the public examinations undertaken (IGCSEs & International AS/A levels from the Cambridge and AQA examination boards) have outstanding international credibility.
The school population comprises students of twenty three different nationalities, providing a rich cultural diversity of which it is proud. The highly experienced, fully qualified teaching faculty are currently recruited from the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, China and France to name but a few. From August 2020 there will be 75 overseas teachers employed at the school. The number of students registered at the ABC International School is in excess of 790.
Nguồn: Website
Điểm mạnh
Our additional subjects at school follow an English style education, but use themes and topics that suit our international environment. Through subjects like Topic (KS1) and Humanities (KS2), the children look at the human and physical features of the world, as well as looking at important events throughout history and how the world has changed. We also study many creative topics through Art and Design Technology and our students will investigate objects, materials and then learn to work creatively and imaginatively. We are also fortunate to have specialist teachers who provide weekly lessons in Music, Physical Education, Swimming and the modern foreign languages of Chinese (Years 1-6) and French (Years 5-6). Central to our education is the development of our students personal and social skills to know themselves and relate positively to those around them. This comes from a planned PSHE curriculum as well as as regular opportunities to discuss their feelings and how their actions affect others. We believe strongly in student leadership and this is developed through our prefect system and also our very active student councils in each key stage. Within these groups, class representatives are chosen by their fellow students and bring forth ideas and initiatives from their classmates to improve the school environment.
Believing ‘variety is the spice of life’ and that ‘there is no substitute for experience’, a rich and varied programme of Extra-Curricular-Activites (ECAs) is an integral and complementary part of the holistic educational package delivered to all students. Currently in excess of 80 activities take place each week across the school and beyond the boundaries of the formal academic timetable.. The range of activities provided enable the students to adopt a balanced approach to their physical, social and psychological development. Whether sporting, musical, artistic, hobby-based or acts of service, these supplementary pursuits enable all students to develop into well-rounded young people who are sufficiently prepared for a fulfilling adulthood.
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