Kindy City International Preschool - Ly Thuong Kiet Campus
• Kindy City’s mission is to bring a safe and friendlyenvironment with effective learning which includes respecting the uniquecharacteristics of 3 to 5 year old children in order for them to become youngenthusiastic learners, as well as to know how to learn and to behave.
They will be able to enter Year ONE of any international ornational primary school system with confidence and ease, also they will havethe skills to continue to develop their school levels that follow immediatelyand throughout their lives.
• In 5 years time, KINDY CITY will not only become a strongand effective Kindergarten system with perfect teaching and caring qualitywhich completely satisfies all parents’ needs and increasing expectation, Kindycity will be the first choice for all parents who have children of preschoolage.
At KINDY CITY INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL,children are best developed in all aspects so as to become enthusiasticlearners, knowing how to learn and to behave. They will not only be providedwith both the necessary knowledge and life skills to enter Year ONE of anyinternational or national primary school with confidence and ease, but also tocontinue to develop the school levels that follow immediately and throughouttheir lives.
The curriculum at KINDY CITY INTERNATIONALPRESCHOOL is constructed upon the Head Start Child Development and EarlyLearning Framework and the National Framework Early Years Learning program.With the review and integration of teaching and development assessmentobjectives and indicators for children aged 2-5, the School fully applies thepedagogical principles, teaching and learning facilities as well as supportingand scaffolding strategies as recommended by the Creative Curriculum Systems,which are being widely used in the USA and well-developed countries.
CreativeCurriculum Program works closely with the reality, helps kids perceiveknowledge naturally, not forcing but assistingthem in forming their habit of analyzing, perceiving, and freely developing allmatters personally, forming independence, confidence, self-careness at theyoung ages.
Co-teachingmethod and united themes – TEAM TEACHING: Vietnamese and expat teachers are working on one theme assigned inorder to develop, consolidate and expand knowledge, enhance skills for kids aswell as help them confidently express their ideas and personal feeling.
The schoolfully applies developing and innovative teaching methodology to help them growcomprehensively based on relaxed, light but effective methodology “LEARN THROUGH PLAY” –coordinating lessons with games inside and outside of the classroom arisestheir interest and passion of learning.
Individualizedteaching method: focuses on their perception and development of each individual so thatteachers can support accordingly. Besides being an instructor, modelling in alllearning and playing activities, teachers also work as observers and designersso that every student can build up their understanding and enhance their ownskills
The child’sdevelopment in all areas is always observed,assessed based on Creative Curriculum Standards and recorded in theChild Assessment Portfolio in a sequence along with a scaffolding method whichcan help teachers both regulate and fully develop each child’s learning level.
Variousand most updated teaching equipment such as computers, LCD lights, Smart Pads,laptops, Ipads, especially learning software installed onto Ipads helpsstudents practice skills and take in knowledge naturally. Moreover, they canalso assist students in self-study and self -play in order to developcomprehensively – intelligence, language and creativity.
Ngân Đỗ
Member from 2021Các cô chăm và dạy các con rất kĩ. Những bài học và hoạt động ngoại khóa cũng rất đa dạng. Bé nhà mình 4 tuổi rồi, giờ bé tự tin hơn hẳn.